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Traveling Without Moving: Gadling’s Guide To Bringing The World Back Home

As we head out for the weekend and, hopefully, you head off toward the airport, we thought we might leave you with these useful tips from the pros at Gadling for incorporating the lessons we learn as we travel into our daily lives (one can’t be up in the air or leagues from home all the time, after all). It’s interesting to think that one can draft an itinerary or travel light without ever leaving your neighborhood—strategies for bounding across continents work just as well for bounding across the street. All this gets us thinking, we bring you guidebooks that help you travel the world through your favorite obsessions: art, music, and film. But, with one of them in your hand, a handy iPod, computer, or DVD player, you don’t really need to go much further than your own back yard (as Dorothy would say) to enjoy that magic moment when art and place become one and open up a globe of possibilities. Bring one of them home today, the world awaits.

“How to Bring Indie Travel Back Home” [Gadling]  
Image: From “Into The Wild”, copyright Paramount Home Entertainment, 2008.

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