After waiting four long years, we are only 30 days away from the 2010 World Cup. We’re getting pretty excited about it and it seems we aren’t the only ones. For the past year Indiecater Records has been working on a World Cup compilation, asking some of their favorite bands to write a song about one of the qualifying teams. What they’ve come-up with is a 32 song opus to everyone’s (except America’s that is) favorite sport called Fast Forward. The compilation includes indie faves Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin singing an ode to Brazil and you can download for free two songs below as well as stream the entire album here. Fast Forward is available now through the Indiecater site.
Grand Pocket Orchestra – ‘Nigeria’
Le Man Avec Les Lunettes – ‘Don’t Get Fooled By The Football’
Players’ Summery Outfit
Tagged with: fifa indiecater world cup