“Chancha Via Circuito,” 2008, Photo courtesy of Pedro Quintans
Biennial of the Americas – “An international event celebrating the culture, ideas and people of the Western Hemisphere, a cross-cultural experience bridging and unifying the artistic, intellectual and political progress of the hemisphere’s 35 nations.” Sounds like a party. The event is taking place all over Denver this month with special roundtables happening at the Ellie Caulkins Opera House in the Denver Performing Arts Complex at 999 14th Street, showcases at Denver’s Civic Center Park and art exhibitions across the city. Included in the festivities are Museyon’s Music + Travel faves, the record label and artist collective ZZK from Argentina.
Film Openings:
Get Low – is a magical and moving blend of folk tale, fable and real-life legend about the mysterious 1930s Tennessee hermit who famously threw his own rollicking funeral party . . . while he was still alive.
The Extra Man – After an embarrassing incident involving a brassiere fetish, Louis loses his teaching job at a Princeton prep school and heads to New York to fulfill his dream of becoming a writer. In New York, he rents a room in the madly discombobulated apartment of Henry Harrison (Kevin Kline), a failed but brilliant playwright who dances alone to old Broadway records, sneaks into the opera, and performs, with great style, the duties of an “extra man” — an escort for the rich widows of the Upper East Side with whom he forms a bond the depths of which is hardly expected.
My Appetite for Destruction: Sex, and Drugs, and Guns n’ Roses by Steven Adler –
After forty years, twenty-eight ODs, three botched suicides, two heart attacks, a couple of jail stints, and a debilitating stroke, Steven Adler, his story about his time forming and getting kicked out of Guns n Roses.