Traveling the World Through Your Favorite Movies.
Report a fire at the Hook & Ladder Company #8 if you want to see Ghostbusters headquarters in New York City. When in San Francisco, stop for a cup of coffee at the café where Steve McQueen’s Bullit meets an informant. Bring your own box of chocolates to Chippewa Square, Savannah and reenact the iconic scenes from Forrest Gump. Visit the Marine Building in Vancouver and be transported to Clark Kent’s employer, The Daily Planet, in Smallville. Find out what part of Puerto Rico posed for The Lord of the Flies, why Madonna evaded Argentina when playing Eva Peron, and much, much more.
- 198 movies cited
- 113 color photographs of movie locations, sites and landmarks
- 6 countries & over 36 city listings
- Original cover illustration by award-winning graphic novelist Jillian Tamaki (NY Times)
- Packed with sidebars and useful trivia about each film location
- Comprehensive index and credits
Great gift for travel lovers and film buffs!
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