Gon, the Little Fox (written by Nankichi Niimi, illustrated by Genjirou Mita, translated by Mariko Shii Gharbi) has been selected for the 2016 USBBY Outstanding International Books honor list. Gon makes the list for Grades 3-5 along with 8 other outstanding books.
The list has been compiled for more than a decade by the United States Board on Books for Young People (USBBY) — Building Bridges Through Children’s and Young Adult Books. This year 42 books that were published or released in 2015 and chosen by a committee of USBBY members are named on the award list, separated into four age groupings (PreK-2, Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12).
Gon, the Little Fox is a Japanese children’s story about the life of a little fox called Gon
In this nuanced retelling of a folktale, Gon finds that even his best intentions can’t prevent what his actions have put into motion when his theft of an eel results in tragedy.
To see the whole list of Outstanding International books, visit the School Library Journal or USSBY website.