Just 2 more months until Museyon Guides Film + Travel hits bookstores. If you can’t wait until June, (and we can’t blame you) here’s a sneak peek! Just click the thumbnails for a closer look.
Everyone knows that Los Angeles and New York are where movies get made. But what North American City comes in a close third? Look to Hollywood North — Vancouver, British Columbia.
Canada is a major player in the film industry. That’s a lot of ground, and a lot of films, to cover. In Film + Travel: North America, South America, join journalist Jason Anderson as he takes you on a tour of the Great White North. See where Marilyn Monroe stayed in Alberta, and find out which city substituted for Paris.
Museyon: Film + Travel the three-volume set debuts June 5, 2009. Until then, keep an eye out for more previews, new and more on Museyon.com!