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Mona Lisa’s Changing Moods, Packing Fashionably, and Freedom Fries Forever

Is your inner visionary starting to feel hemmed in by your corporate cubical? Become a master of the office-supply arts. (Modelina)
Almost seven years since the beginning volleys of the invasion of Iraq, there are still some places in this world where the word “French” is verboten and “Freedom Fries” still reign. (Gadling)
Sorry—your giant muppet penis is not welcome at the New Museum. (Gothamist)
Amazingly, researchers have found that the Mona Lisa’s famously canny expression actually changes depending on what part of her face you concentrate on. (Telegraph UK)
The Ernest Hemingway Home & Museum in Key West, Florida—long a pilgrimage site for aspiring writers—has just received landmark status. (HuffPo)

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