Museyon at the Met Store in Rockefeller Center
There’s a chill in the air and a turkey in the freezer, which means the holidays are right around the corner. No matter who is on your gift-giving list this season, Museyon has books from everyone from your Francophile sister to your history buff husband to your artsy best friend. Filled with dozens of dramatic true stories and hundreds of photos, Museyon Guides make great gifts for frequent flyers and armchair travelers alike.

Barnes & Noble
For the History Buff: Chronicles Series
Chronicles of Old New York by Jame Roman
Chronicles of Old Las Vegas by James Roman
Chronicles of Old Boston by Charles Bahne
Chronicles of Old Paris by John Baxter
Chronicles of Old London by Kevin Jackson
Chronicles of Old Rome by Tamara Thiessen
Discover the world’s greatest cities with these expert-written history guides. Discover the roots of Rome, London, Paris, Boston, Las Vegas, and New York through the true stories of the leaders, thinkers, visionaries, and villains who shaped each city.
For the Art Lover: Art + Series
Art + NYC: A Complete Guide to New York City Art and Artists
Art + Paris: Impressionism and Post-Impressionism
Art + Travel Europe: Step into the Lives of Five Famous Painters
See your favorite masterpieces like never before as your uncover the true stories of the artists who made them. From New York’s modern art scene, to Impressionist Paris, to an all-star tour of Europe’s most famous paintings, Museyon takes you to the places where great art was born, and to where you can see it now.

MoMA Store Downtown
Museyon Guides are available online and at select retailers, including Barnes & Noble, the Museum of Modern Art, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Lower East Side Tenement Museum, Rizzoli, Shakespeare & Co., and more.